Joulukuussa KREATIV:illa päästään tanssimaan jälleen workshopeilla! Suureksi iloksemme saammekin nimittäin kertoa, että joulukuussa kunniavieraaksemme saapuu Hip Hop pioneereiksikin lukeutuva rautainen ammattilainen, yksi maailmankuulun Elite Force Crewn perustajajäsenistä - New Yorkin Brooklynista kotosin oleva Loose Joint (USA)!
(NOTE! Scroll down for information in English!)
Maailmanlaajuisesti tunnettu, jo yli 40 vuotta Hip Hop -kulttuurin parissa elänyt intohimoinen tanssija ja tanssinopettaja Jamel Brown, eli Loose Joint, saapuu 11.-12.12. KREATIV:ille pitämään kaksi Hip Hop -workshoppia!
Loose Jointin Hip Hop -workshopit järjestetään seuraavasti:
Maanantaina 11.12. klo 19:30-21:00
Tiistaina 12.12. klo 20:00-21:30
Workshopit järjestetään The Studios:in tiloissa (Kappelikuja 6 D, Espoo). Opetus on englanniksi. Workshopit on suunnattu keski- ja edistyneen tason tanssijoille. Workshop on ikärajaton, mutta ikäsuositus on 13-vuotiaat ja sitä vanhemmat. Workshopeille tulee ilmoittautua ennakkoon alla olevalla lomakkeella.
Hinta: 30 € per workshop
Loose Jointin tarkemman esittelyn löydät sivuston alaosasta.
KREATIV koulutusohjelmalaiset ovat oikeutettuja 15 %
alennukseen workshopeistamme.
Ilmoittautuminen workshopeille on nyt auki!
HUOM! Workshopit ovat TÄYNNÄ, mutta jonotuslistalle voi edelleen ilmoittautua.
Ilmoittautumiset ovat sitovia. Tutustu tarkempiin workshoppejamme koskeviin sääntöihin ja ehtoihin ilmoittautumislomakkeen yhteydessä. Muistathan myös, että toiminnassamme noudatetaan turvallisemman tilan periaatteita - tutustu periaatteisiin täällä.
Information in English
WEAREKREATIV workshops continue in December with two workshops, as we have the honour to host a truly special guest here in Finland: a pioneer of Hip Hop, and one of the founding members of the world-famous Elite Force Crew
- Jamel Brown aka Loose Joint (USA)! This is a chance you do not want to miss!
The worldwide known dancer from Brooklyn, New York, with over 40 years of experience in the Hip Hop culture, Loose Joint, joins us at WEAREKREATIV on Monday 11/12 and Tuesday 12/12 for two Hip Hop workshops.
Loose Joint's workshops are held according this schedule:
Monday 11/12 at 19:30-21:00
Tuesday 12/12 at 20:00-21:30
Both workshops are held at The Studios (Kappelikuja 6 D, Espoo). The workshops will be taught in English. The workshop is intended for intermediate and advanced level dancers. There is no age limit, but we recommend the workshop for 13-year-olds and older.
Registration for the workshop needs to be done in advance via the registration form (link underneath). All registrations are binding. Check the registration form for more detailed terms & conditions regarding the workshops.
Price: 30 € per workshop
NOTE! Both workshops are SOLD OUT! You can still register to the queue.
Loose Joint Brown from Elite Force Crew is one of the pioneering
first-generation hip-hop freestyle dancers from Brooklyn, New York and
have a career in hip hop dance culture spanning 40 years. Starting out
as a street dancer and transitioned into a hip hop dancer who danced at
the night clubs dancer in the latter part of the 80's and into the
golden era of the 90's. Loose carved a niche out for himself as a
dancer/choreographer/back dancer for many artists in music video of the
As a New York boogie boy representing Electric Boogie one of the Fantastic Duo, Loose was featured in the classic hip hip movie, "Beat Street" back in 1984, both Michael Jackson's "Remember The Time", video and wrecking shop documentary in '92 and Mariah Carey's Dream Lover video in '93. Loose has also done tv shows, commercials music awards and tours with artists such as the aforementioned Mariah Carey from '93-2001.
In 2007 Loose Joint returned to the scene after a 6 year hiatus and was the 2007 hip hop judge for JUSTE DEBOUT. Since then, Loose has continued to share his knowledge with the younger generations around the world where he tirelessly teaches workshops, judges events and shares the knowledge of the culture as he has experienced it first hand.